Homogeneous competitive TR-FRET immunoassay for quantitative measurement of cAMP in cell lysates. This is a robust, sensitive, and easy-to-use assay for monitoring GPCR activation based on cAMP production in cells. The kit is compatible with both suspension and adherent cells and is suitable for the profiling and high-throughput screening of Gαs- and Gαi-coupled GPCRs. Detailed assay protocols for testing agonists and antagonists, as well as full assay validation can be found in the Technical Data Sheet. BEST SELLER
Assay principle: Free cAMP produced by cells competes with the Europium labeled streptavidin/biotin-cAMP tracer complex for binding to a monoclonal cAMP antibody labeled with the far-red fluorophore. The specific TR-FRET signal is therefore inversely proportional to the concentration of cAMP in the lysate.
The THUNDER™ cAMP assay exhibits a comparable performance to that of a competing TR-FRET assay.
The THUNDER™ cAMP assay workflow consists of only two steps.